
What is a BBS token?

The BBS token is the standard payment method accepted by all BBSes in the network for advertisement space, ensuring financial interoperability between the nodes and a shared incentive system. BBS token holders have full control over the project through the BBS DAO such as resource allocation, product roadmap and BBS tokenomics.

What is bbscoin?

BBSCoin is a cryptocurrency designed for exchanging virtual credits or points on participating websites and/or forums. Allows BBS Coin holders a bridge to the Tron world by depositing BBS Coins into the BBSToken platform to circulate BBSTokens. Tokens may be returned to release back the coins. BBSToken [BBST] is a token based on TRON blockchain.

What is tokenization?

Token則經常除了用作支付、與價值儲存,還會有其他的功能(後面細說),甚至未來隨著Tokenization(令牌、代幣化)可能有些Token將不會有「價值」的意涵,只被用作爲一個「通行証」的功能,因此也有人稱Token為通証、或令牌。 代幣與令牌的對應英文單字皆為 Token,在區塊鏈領域中一般不加以區分,但兩者在意思上具有些許區別;

What is a classification token?

The first token of every sequence is always a special classification token ( [CLS]). The final hidden state corresponding to this token is used as the aggregate sequence representation for classification tasks. 讲了和没讲差不多。 。 。 For classification tasks, the first vector (corresponding to [CLS]) is used as the "sentence vector".

